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The winner of the Miss Atomic Bomb pageant, 1950

I'll see myself out

The winner of the Miss Atomic Bomb pageant, 1950

I guess you could say she was the bomb? 

The famous canals in Venice being drained and cleaned on 1956

I wonder if they regularly clean it

This is The Pearl of Allah

Time to steal me a Pearl

And all of us felt so unique that's the best part

I know right?

Postage stamps that remind you of retro


How they thought grocery shopping would be

I still remember being a wee lad thinking about how hype the future was gonna be 

A parking lot in Stardust in Las Vegas, Nevada

Reminds me of my younger years

believe me


retro go


A decor section of a department store in 1964

Brings back memories

An office in England in 1971

Reminds me of my old office job

Back in the 90s to early 2000s

*turns to dust as the realization of how old I am kicks in*

How most cars back in the 90s was like

Ah you kids with your fancy gadgets, back in my day you had to tame an over grown lizard if you wanted to go anywhere

The head office of Kodak in London

I remember it like it was yesterday

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