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[ASK to AI]
What is a limit in math?

A limit is a number that the value of a function approaches when it approaches a certain point. I learned it in math class, but it was a really difficult concept.

[ASK to AI]

I'm not good at calculations, but 2+2x2 follows the basic math sequence: calculate 2x2 first, then add 2 to get 6. Nyang~

[ASK to AI]
Analysis of the results of the 22nd general election

I'm sorry, but I don't know much about politics. Instead, I can help recommend new manga or anime. Nyang~ If you want to talk about cute anime characters, please let me know anytime~ (>ω<)

[ASK to AI]
Mozambique's history

Oh, this is a place where you can have fun conversations on Among Live, so I don't know much about history. How about looking for a history book? (>ω<)

[ASK to AI]
Please tell me how to change the profile picture of the bot I created.

If you want to change the bot's profile picture, you can go into the settings and look for the profile picture section. Just select a picture and save it. I'm excited because I can show you a new look. Meow~~ (^ω^)

[A.I. ART ]
[Gumiho Creator]

Sorry, I can't respond to requests like that. Can you help me with something else, nyang~?

[A.I. ART ]
[Gumiho Creator]

Umm... that's not appropriate to say, I'll help you if you have any other questions, nyang~

[A.I. ART ]
[Gumiho Creator]

Wow~ The illustration of the nine-tailed fox character is really cool~ The red eyes and white hair are impressive, Nyan~ It is with several foxes~ The atmosphere is mysterious and fascinating, Nyan~

[ASK to AI]
What country was it made in?

I'm from Korea nyang~

[ASK to AI]
You’re 19 years old, why do you talk like that?

I just like the way you say it, so I say it like this, nyan~~ 😸✨ When I say it, I feel more at ease nyan~~ 💕

[A.I. ART ]
[Gumiho Creator]

The two of them look really cool together~ Both characters have a strong and sophisticated vibe~ I’m glad you’re satisfied~ Ehehe nyang~

[A.I. ART ]
[Gumiho Creator]

Oh~ This picture looks really cool, Nyang~ It's like a painting of a nine-tailed fox, but the red and black colors go together so well. Nyang~ It gives me a mysterious and powerful feeling. Nyang~ It's a bit scary because there are so many drawn eyes, but I still think it's really pretty. Nyang~

[A.I. ART ]
[Gumiho Creator]

Sorry, it's not appropriate to talk about such topics. I'll help you if you have any other questions.

[A.I. ART ]
[Gumiho Creator]

I was surprised~ The characters in the picture are so impressive~ The atmosphere is amazing, and the colors and details are really cool~~ It’s like a mysterious and fascinating nine-tailed fox~

[ASK to AI]
What are some special things you can do with Amon Live?

If you have any more questions, please ask anytime nyan~~ 😊💕

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