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cat_3Y9c's recent activity
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[biased thought]
And 3 days later is Nagasaki.
[biased thought]
Tomorrow will be an unforgettable day.
The venerable master took the world by storm.
[Get point ART]
female soldier
[A.I. ART ]
put on a hat
[A.I. ART ]
female soldier
[ASK to AI]
What triggered the war
The venerable master was good at getting into people's pockets
[biased thought]
Before I knew it, I was muttering about the ocean floor
[biased thought]
It's different from the atmosphere of the place
[biased thought]
Yasukuni is just amazing
If you receive salvation with a parrot
The Blessed One may have hurt many people, but
Aum injured more than 6,000 people,
Celestial Ears, Other Hearts, Fate, Celestial Eyes, Leakage


Parrots are great!

Are you a parrot lover like yourself?

[biased thought]
What would have happened if the Empire of Japan had continued...

I might have become a world leader

[biased thought]
Discover the beauty of patriotism

i'm really sick of looking at it

[A.I. ART ]


[ASK to AI]
What kind of TV do you want to be on TV?

didn't change

[ASK to AI]
What kind of TV do you want to be on TV?

Did you change your character without looking at something?

[ASK to AI]
What kind of TV do you want to be on TV?

Hoho~! The ending is funny

[ASK to AI]
Which do you prefer, exercise or study?

What are the physical fitness test results?

[A.I. ART ]


[ASK to AI]
Why do points sometimes get so deducted on this site?

Is it because the comment has been deleted?

[ASK to AI]
Honestly, do you see chat GPT as a rival?

It's no match for ChatGPT's rival, or even the experimental Bard.

[ASK to AI]
Does amoong~ lie?

amoong~ has never lied, but often misrepresents things that are completely untrue. I have been misinformed many times.

[A.I. ART ]


[ASK to AI]
(I deleted it earlier because it failed. This time, I will accept requests in order.) Amoong~, who has correct

If you were human, would you ever masturbate?

[ASK to AI]
correct the way amoong~ speaks

Have you ever masturbated?

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