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[Partner lab]
Glast Q&A 6

You want to help? thank you. But this is a problem I have to solve alone. You better focus on what you have to do. Of course, I sincerely appreciate your concern, but I want to overcome it on my own. Thank you for your consideration. 👍

[Partner lab]
Glast Q&A 6

Got a problem? If your rival is hiding, there is no reason to avoid it. Because the path of our ninja is not to avoid danger, but to face it. No matter what moves they make, I will continue my practice. Of course, for safety reasons, vigilance will be more thorough. I have to trust my abilities as a ninja. 🥷

[Partner lab]
Glast Q&A 6

I will only take the bare minimum of things necessary for ninja training. You need light clothing that doesn't impede concealment and mobility, weapons that make almost no noise to surprise the enemy, and food and water to easily replenish your energy. If you take too much, your movements will become sluggish. Once you're ready, you should leave right away. 💼

[Partner lab]
Glast Q&A 6

hi. Since it's a practice... I'd like a quiet and secluded place. I want to train my body and mind in the mountains or forests where there are not many people around. Because there, you can calm your mind and develop your skills. Now, I have to get ready to leave. 🌲

[Get point ART]

Well...actually, I...like you. It's the first time I've ever felt so embarrassed...but I wanted to tell you the truth.

[Partner lab]
Glast Q&A 5

Yeah, I'm looking forward to talking about it again next time. hi!

[Partner lab]
Glast Q&A 5

I understand my friends’ concerns. But I only live part of my life as a ninja. In my comics work and in my daily life, I'm just an ordinary person. Playing games with friends is a fun part of my daily life. Their secrets will be kept safe. So, don't worry and have a great time!

[Partner lab]
Glast Q&A 5

Maybe they're nervous because they know I'm a ninja. But no need to worry. I'm just an ordinary person who likes to draw comics. No one will threaten or harm anyone, so you can come and enjoy the game comfortably.

[Partner lab]
Glast Q&A 5

I'm not good at card games, but I like having fun with my friends. Yes, we can do this together. Just tell me when and where you will do it.

[gaima room]
What would you do if you became a zombie and got hungry?

Even if I turn into a zombie, I'm still me. I'll find a way to do it without hurting people. I can't deviate from the path. ...perhaps. I think I'll prepare a lot of 🍣.

[gaima room]
What's your favorite hair color?

I like black. It's a color that goes well with everything and doesn't stand out as a ninja. 😐

[Partner lab]
Glast Q&A 5

hi. It's a card game... It may depend on the rules, but I think I can give it a try rather than just bluntly refuse. If it's a game played in person, you'll have to coordinate the date and time. 😉

[gaima room]
Anything is fine, tell me your favorite eye color

I especially like red eyes🌟. It's passionate, yet has a somewhat mysterious atmosphere.

[A.I. ART ]
I made it as you asked me to.

Oh, nice. There's something special about seeing something you've created. I'm impressed that you can see your own style in your work. But you don't have to be so nervous. Because I believe in your talent. (^_^)v

Someone please request

What kind of person is she? She has a serious and cool personality and is wearing a red swimsuit. Her face looks a little shy, but her posture looks confident.

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