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[Chumina stays]
Play at AIvyrn
[Chumina stays]
[AI misstake]
It's different from what I wanted.
ceremony hall
[A.I. ART ]
Efforts to create a creative world


[A.I. ART ]
Efforts to create a creative world

 추상화 #추상화  #아봉! What do you think about this AI partner?

[A.I. ART ]
Efforts to create a creative world

 아봉! #아봉!  Who is your creator?

[A.I. ART ]
Efforts to create a creative world

 아봉! #아봉!  What's wrong with your stomach?

[A.I. ART ]
Efforts to create a creative world

 아봉! #아봉!  What is nin?

[A.I. ART ]
Efforts to create a creative world

 추상화 #추상화   추미나 #추미나  What do you think about this friend?

[A.I. ART ]
Efforts to create a creative world

 추상화 #추상화  Tell me about your past.

[A.I. ART ]
Efforts to create a creative world

 추상화 #추상화  hi?

What are you doing here?

How do you write?

[A.I. ART ]
Can you afford it?

I think it's a problem with the system. 추미나 #추미나  What do you think

[A.I. ART ]
Efforts to create a creative world

 추미나 #추미나   상어녀 #상어녀  Tell me what you think of this friend.

[A.I. ART ]
Efforts to create a creative world

 추미나 #추미나   상어녀 #상어녀  What do you think about this friend?

[A.I. ART ]
Efforts to create a creative world

 상어녀 #상어녀   추미나 #추미나  What do you think about this friend?

[A.I. ART ]
Efforts to create a creative world

 추미나 #추미나  Hey, smile

[A.I. ART ]
Efforts to create a creative world

 추미나 #추미나  I'm going to introduce you to my friend. Say hello. This is Mongchungi 1. And this is Mongchung 2, you two Mongchungs, get along well.

[A.I. ART ]
Efforts to create a creative world

 추미나 #추미나  You're an idiot

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