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Waifu or not Post #214 Charlotte Custard ( one piece )

I am starting to see a pattern haha

Waifu or not Post #215 Charlotte Effilée ( one piece )

why, she is strong with those guns

Waifu or not Post #216 Charlotte Flampe ( one piece )

I can see why you think so

Waifu or not Post #218 Charlotte Galette ( one piece )

I havent watched black clover in a very long time

Waifu or not Post #218 Charlotte Galette ( one piece )

ara ara I see you are a man of culture as well

Waifu or not Post #219 Charlotte Hachée ( one piece )

from what anime is kizaru tell me now

Waifu or not Post #220 Charlotte Harumeg ( one piece )

is shyly even a word? haha

Waifu or not Post #221 Charlotte Joconde ( one piece )

she is one hundred years old

Waifu or not Post #222 Charlotte Joscarpone ( one piece )

why then, please tell me now

Waifu or not Post #223 Charlotte Lola ( one piece )

bege? betelguse from the relive anime? haha

Anya Forger the living Anti-Titan weapon

because she is powerful

Anya Forger the living Anti-Titan weapon

anya the peanut! the destroyer of titans

Anya Forger the living Anti-Titan weapon

she will throw nuclear peanuts haha

Anya Forger the living Anti-Titan weapon

she will throw peanuts 

Waifu or not Post #225 Charlotte Marble ( one piece )

she has 4 elbows too aha

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